Books and stuff

What I’ve finished reading-

Reasonable Faith– William Lane Craig


William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School. Bill Craig is just one of those guys. He’s an excellent philosopher and this is his text on how to do apologetics. It covers the main arguments for God he uses and the objections he gets and in what situations he thinks it is appropriate to use them. There are some places I disagree with him ( I don’t think his piece on fine-tuning is that strong ) but this book is great overall. William Lane Craig recommends this book for philosophy undergraduates however I have no formal background in philosophy and did not find it challenging. (In fairness I am familiar with Dr. Craig’s podcasts and debates on the subjects).

Stealth Warplanes by Doug Richardson

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It is a general history of stealth warplanes , from when to first military aircrafts were painted with camouflage to modern stealth aircraft like the Sukhoi S-37 Berkut (Golden Eagle) and helicopters like the Boeing Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche. He goes through instances where stealth aircrafts have been used and the counters people have implemented. He goes a bit into the Joint Strike fighter program too. Great read.

Currently reading-

“Just Six numbers” by Martin Rees


The “fine-tuning” has been a huge topic for discussion within astronomy and physics today and Martin Rees, an Astronomer Royal at Cambridge now jumps on the bandwagon. He picks 6 constants of nature and examines the fine-tuning of these is greatĀ  detail. Rees is an engaging writer and the book is good so far.

Planning to read-

“The Road to Reality” by Roger Penrose


Penrose is a leading mathematician and physicist at Oxford. He has some unorthodox ideas about conciousness(he seems to think the consciousness operates based on quantum physics). This book describes the history applied mathematics ,physics and the laws of nature.Singularities, black holes , laws , calculus , particle physics …I’m sure it will be great. The book is huge( I also hear he has a devastating critique of the multiverse scenario based on probabilities)

“Life’s Solution” by Simon Conway Morris


Morris is a famous paleobiologist from Cambridge. His book is about convergent evolution(which is heavily underrated btw). He argues that based on convergent evolutionĀ  we can conclude that it would be inevitable for life forms like humans to evolve. I want ot ssee if he can make a convincing case for convergent evolution

“Letters to a Doubting Thomas” by C. STEPHEN LAYMAN of Seattle Pacific University

imageI’ve only thumbed through my copy but it seems great. The book takes the form of a philosopher havingĀ  letter exchange with a computer scientist named Thomas. What I thought was unique about this book is it introduces and thoroughly explains concepts in philosophy and critical thinking such as prior probability , fallacies , how arguments are structured , how inferences are structured and how hypothesis can be validated or tested. His aim is to weight the hypothesis of naturalism against that of theism and show theism is more probable. From the table of contents I see he discusses cosmology , fine-tuning arguments ,arguments from religious experience ,free will and he discusses the problem of evil. It seems a good introduction to anyone who wants to get into the philosophical debate between theism and naturalism.

If I can finish those I will sink my teeth into Swinburne’s book and Hawking’s stuff.

The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology also seems epic (however I probably won’t have time to read the whole thing)



Finals is over and summer is here. I’ve realized a bunch of comments are queued up. I probably won’t have time to deal with them. If there’s any issue you want me to bring up and discuss again post it in the comments section.